# Chat of the 17. Interdisciplinary discussion
With comments by Hans-Gert Gräbe (HGG)
## Presentation of Nikolay Shpakovsky
The notion of a system was introduced as modeling a problem ("mental image")
of different complexity
* as assembled device
* as tool processing an object (SAO model, funtional model)
* as potentially workable system
* as system for a certain goal
* as product producing system
* as harmful system of Lenyashin
[10:47] Kleemann : how can the approach of the x-factor grasp notions of
development of a system? (relates to slide 36)
HGG: The system has to be completed (law of completeness of the components of
a TS), so development is completion of an incomplete system.
[10:49] Igor Zadesenets : The question is what is directly?
[10:50] Kirill Domkin : What is the difference between Engine and Energy
HGG: Energy source provides energy, engine transforms energy into useful
[10:52] Alexander Solodkin : let me ask verbally please. I have some doubt
about introducing the product term.
HGG: This remained unclear, but relates to my presentation. If the tool (or
component) is considered completely functional and (only) the object carries
state, then the "product" is the transformed object, i.e. the object now
carrying a special state. The idea here is as in market terminology - the
product is an object with special use value, we forget about the production of
the use value (the way of production is abstracted in the exchange value, at
least in an economic labour value theory).
[11:00] Immanuel Thoke : @Kirill as I see it the Energy Source is the Input
for the Engine to produce the output as the input for the transmission.
[11:18] Andrey Trostyanskiy : Can the harmful system make a useful effect?
HGG: As far as I understand TRIZ has no notion of life cycle of a technical
system. This relates to the phase of maintenance and repair of a technical
system already in use, the task is to transform it from a state with harm to a
state without (that) harm.
[11:19] Immanuel Thoke : states define a property of a system itself, whereas
a product describes the outer view between given input and specific output, of
course this state is achieved due to a certain input, but it doesn't describe
how requirements have been matched by the system.
[11:22] Stelian Brad : I would like to add something
HGG: Another question was about the IFR. Alexander explained that this idea is
similar to the idea of absolute truth and hence only useful in a very special
mental setting. In a theory of adaptive systems this makes no sense. Stelian
explained that this concept is also present in a slightly different meaning as
"desirable state" in the systems notion of Russell Ackoff.
[11:25] Immanuel Thoke : shouldn't we distinguish between ideal and realistic
goals and absolute and relative goals?
[11:40] Immanuel Thoke : ok what Alexander Solodkin said is very interesting.
Yesterday I thought about following: Oneself cannot control itself, but it can
control itselfs in perspective of different contradictory components with
different ideal goals towards optimization between the parametric
[11:41] Igor Zadesenets : 1. Different IFR from different perspectives can be
set. 2. IFR is only the tool for finding achievable results.
## Presentation of Nadine Schumann
The main point was a distinction between different notions of law:
* in the strict sense (pure causality as in Newton's mechanics)
* scientific laws (statements based on repeated experiments or observations)
* laws directly of incirectly based on empirical evidence
Laws of development are of the third kind, based on heuristical principles as
the foundation of interpretation.
This was related to Wundt's account on psychical causality.
Then the question of Trends of Development and Evolution of Technical Systems
was discussed. The notion of evolution has a restricted meaning according to
its historically biological origin and may be not appropriate in the context
of technical systems.
[12:17] Siegfried Weigert (ibw) : What is Law (In this context here): An
"Item" that "always has been there" like mathematical/physical "laws" OR "A
set of rules that has been defined by "lawyers"".
HGG: That's an interesting question not discussed by Nadine. As far as I
understood for her "law" has "always been there" but even "been there" has a
multitude of interpretations (the notion of law differs even between
mathematics and physics). The "lawyers' laws" as written rules are only a
specific form of processual institutionalisations, many of the more genarl
ones are informal but nevertheless binding, e.g. the "state of the art", in
the sense that no one expects that you do _not_ follow these rules. If you do
not follow the rules you have at least inconvenience in cooperation and may be
socially punished in the worst case. This institutionalisation transforms
practically proven to proven practices that get social binding quality.
[12:22] Stelian Brad : I would like to have a comment
Stelian just drawed on that distinction. The notion of law applies to two
different settings:
1. describe how something evolves in an organic manner (descriptive)
2. laws as regulations to fight complexity (activity centered)
[12:22] Kleemann : does that mean you have to start with a "product" and the
[12:24] Alexander Solodkin : I'd like to comment as well :) After Stelian :)
Alexander emphasises that for the notion of law predictability is important
and distinguishes laws from phantoms.
[12:28] graebe : Some more questions: @Nadine: What is a lifeline of a system?
@Stelian: What is a system that meets decisions?
HGG: Lifelines I found first in (Altschuller 1979) but for me it remains
mysterious until now what are the constitution principles that are used to
line up technical systems in such lines. (TESE 2018) draws on "pragmatic
S-curves" and it seems obviuos for me that they are drawn from commercial
product catalogues, as explained in (Gräbe 2020a). Biological evolution is
usually drwan in "evolution trees" and such a concept is presented also in
(Shpakovsky 2010) for "technology evolution". But "technology evolution" and
evolution of technical systems seem to be quite different topics.
HGG: Stelian focused on the point that (management) systems are related to
people and decision meeting processes. This aspect is, in my opinion,
underestimated even in modern Business TRIZ concepts. In (Gräbe 2020b) I
proposed to make a difference between systems for decision preparation and
systems for decision meeting. They have very different characteristics as
convergent an d divergent thinking (according to Guildord) have.
[12:35] graebe : @Alexander: What is "human"? The individual or the mankind?
Or something between (we call it cooperative action)?
[12:35] Immanuel Thoke : what is meant by "exact"? What do mathematicians mean
if they say "nearly ever"?
[12:39] graebe : @Nadine: So this notion of "human" is as by Vernadsky -
Scientific thought as planetary phenomenon?
HGG: Nadine in her answer did not address the question about "lifelines" but
the question "what is human".
[12:40] Kleemann : it seems to me, that the problem that Nadine touched is the
construction of dynamics and not of structures. Do you mean that this view of
development has to be revised?
[12:53] Ulrich Fritsche : = feature, property
[12:56] Kleemann : then the question arises: can you model a pragmatic
s-curve, which is non-linear. Is there more than one pragmatic s-curve
[12:57] graebe : I proposed a branching of the "s-curve" at its phase 3 in
(Gräbe 2020a).
[12:59] Immanuel Thoke : a classic approach would be geometric or physical
linearization and representation of error rates in probabilites of these
[13:01] Kleemann : @thoke: then you have the problem of linearity again. Maybe
other mathematical or logical approaches, as fuzzy logic or patterns in
chaotic processes.
[13:09] Immanuel Thoke : yeah triz approach is again separation in time and
space .. relying on quasi-stable phases where minor instabilities can be
controlled by a dominating protocol.
[13:10] Alexander Solodkin : may I add something?
Alexander emphasises that development is not so easy in a biased world where
you have to manage also dissent. He several times emphasises the management
concepts realised within Toyota
a concept centered system of processes. Moreover he emphasises that the
managerial style strongly depends on the context, in particular is different
in stable and unstable times. For this point see also (Mann 2019).
[13:13] Immanuel Thoke : that refers to the term of exacteness and
[13:14] graebe : There is a good rule in open source: Raw consensus and
running code.
[13:21] Immanuel Thoke : (polemic question) so we handle the black spot
i.e. in realization of climate change not knowing how to fix the system in
time because it does not meet the actual requirements of the states, companies
and people and hoping for better technologies in future that will fix this in
time or rely on adaption of changing environment?
HGG: As I understand it this is - roughly - the core of the program developed
in (Shchedrovitsky 1981).
Stelian: This is a difficult question since the particular circumstances and
decisions influence many other particular circumstances. This requires to
work and concentrate efforts on the non-technical conceptional frontier to
stabilise the macrosystem.
[13:28] Immanuel Thoke : yeah but we have also corona .. have you also
experienced the quick change between cold and warm phases?
[13:31] Immanuel Thoke : thanks for the vivid discussion so far
## Presentation by Hans-Gert Gräbe
The presentation focused on developments in the area of software engineering
that deeply changed during the last 15 years from a "programming from the
scratch" to a component oriented production style. If 15 years ago the
knowledge of a programming language was enough to produce valuable code
nowadays additionally the knowledge of a framework (consisting of both a "glue
code concept" and a wealth of available components) is required to be
productive in coding. Within that development also new professions came up -
the profession of a software architect (engineering platforms), a component
developer (providing coding within a platform) and a component assembler
(assembling larger systems from components). Such "larger systems" accompany
"larger technical systems", and both are unique specimen as explained in
(Gräbe 2020a) and - differently to components - not designed for direct reuse.
Technological development thus moves from direct reuse of components to higher
forms of abstraction and modeling. Such questions are not at all addressed in
the traditional TRIZ theory about laws of evolution of technical systems.
Stelian: Software systems are the highest complex systems and the most
invisible systems.
HGG: There are many concepts within software engineering to address this
complexity, e.g. [ITIL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITIL) or
[14:14] Kleemann : can such a design be used for a non-linear s-curve
[14:22] Kleemann : structure to graph. interesting
[14:35] Nadine : TRIZ is open enough to model that. this is the big advantage
of the TRIZ method, or? it guarantees the flexibility of the Supersystem.
[14:39] Igor Zadesenets : Question for Nikolay. What is the fundamental
difference between Engine, transmission and so on and Control? May be they all
are Control?
HGG: In my opinion this chain is an expression of the "law of energy
conductivity through the system", that can be rooted in the theory of
dissipative systems. This theory claims that energy throughput through a
system strongly relates to the structures within the system (as, e.g. for the
Bénard cell). Hence energy dissipation within a system is required for both
the supply of the required energy throughput for the components and the energy
required to regenerate the functional structure of the system itself.
[14:41] Immanuel Thoke : so chaos also arises from not knowing at which
abstraction level causes a problem as an engineer with no transparent insight
and sufficient debugging infrastructure have to deconstruct each level of
abstraction to determine the error.
HGG: If you take the Theory of Dynamical Systems and the notion of attactor as
a generalisation of the notion of equilibrium, you have the notion of
"deterministic chaos", i.e. attractors of systems described by relatively
simple deterministic equations that have themselves complicated structure,
even up to fractal buildings (strange attractors). So this is not necessarily
a problem of not enough insight.
[14:44] Igor Zadesenets : OK. And what is the fundamental difference between
process and component?
HGG: Whats about such an explanation? A component is a black box view on a
[14:48] Immanuel Thoke : but it's hard to determine sideeffects in python due
to unstrict typing especially if you use libraries you do not know.
[14:50] Kleemann : in this cocept means modelling not directly using a model?
[14:53] Nadine : Thats the concept of pragmatic information, or? in contrast
to syntactic and semantic concepts of information.
## Presentation of Stelian Brad
From the presentations:
Innovation is more than an invention, it is not only a technical phenomenon
but has to address the needs of a target group:
Innovation ... a nonlinear, multiple-looped and agile process through which a
novel idea is generated and then embedded into an elaborated viable solution
that addresses a need of a given target group in a way that fits the group’s
culture; thus, being wanted, affordable, valued-for-money and adopted.
Systems have to be maintained, this may be very challenging due to
* complexity - the behavior at the layer between deterministic and chaos, with
high nonlinearity, where small changes in the value of some parameters lead
to radical unexpected evolutions.
* complicatedness - a system with intricately combined and involved parts such
that it is very difficult to understand or analyze
* dynamicity - a state of being in perpetual change, which makes dataset
difficult to keep accurate.
* abundance - a state of oversufficient quantity, thanks to technology
(e.g. abundance in communications)
Three concepts are important to conceptualize maintenance:
* entropy → a state of disorder, uncertainty, randomness in the system, the
level of possible combinations of the parts in the system.
* equipotentiality → apparent capacity of any intact part of the system to
carry out functions which are lost by the destructed parts.
* equilibrium → state of balance relative to the forces acting in the system.
These points were discussed on the current state of software development.
[15:10] graebe : In Rubin's work I have found the concept of system capture
several times. What role does this play in an environment with many systems?
[15:14] graebe : Interactions (one-to-one) increase only quadratically,
exponentially increases the number of relations = subsets of the set.
HGG: This relates to slide 4. Exponential growth is a pure theoretical
phenomenon, describing "natural" growth (y'(t)=c*y(t)) without limiting
factor. Adding a limiting factor you get e.g. a logistic curve. For growth
of networks the phenomenon of scale free networks
was observed that develop
not exponentially but following a power law.
[15:15] Immanuel Thoke : does complexity increases unboundedly if we swap
paradigms or does complexity patterns change?
[15:18] graebe : In the theory of Dynamical Systems there is a notion of
Steady state Equilibrium (that can move in space). How it relates to the 3 e
on the slide?
[15:23] graebe : Machine tool building vs. industrial plant engineering.
HGG: It is one of the main observations from a practical point of view: the
main task for recent software engineering is to organise digital support for
already existing business processes. Digitization requires to "make things
explicit" that existed so far in a less explicit form, so the hardware and
software modeling has to be accompanied by an "orgware modeling" (a concept
introduced by K. Fuchs-Kittowski, see (KFK 2020), in German). This has much to
do with modeling and not so much with innovation, but within modeling formerly
unnoticed contradictions (and unformalized implicit workarounds, the "social
soft") pop up. This is the today business of semantic modeling, data
analysts, business process modeling, organisational modeling, software
architects and component assembler.
As the design of large technical systems (plants) is unique since the
Production management systems differ significantly even within the same
company (we observed that for BMW), IT systems are unique specimen, too. From
such a point of view the challenges to software engineering look quite
different and it is just that view that is addressed in Szyperski's book (see
my presentation). May the "software paradoxes" (slide 7) result from such a
difference in viewing the topic?
"See the growing popularity of Python or ROS (Robot Operating System) – huge
libraries" (slide 9) - Python or ROS are very different things. If you look at
the .NET framework then ROS is similar to the CLR, the "virtual machine"
supplied by the Common Language Runtime required to integrate all components,
written in different languages (e.g. in Python). But for different languages
to work together the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) is required.
[15:31] Immanuel Thoke : in TRIZ there is a non-invasive alternative to the
invasive intonation of breakthrough but this might be subjective as I see the
examples - turning something inside out in order to move to abstraction level
of the supersystem and integrate it in the system.
[15:33] graebe : What's about "coopetition" (in German "Kooperenz"
)? This notion was coined in
discussions already 15 years ago. "Raw consensus and running code" is just
about that.
HGG: In the discussion the notion of "software ecosystem" played a significant
role "defined as a set of businesses functioning as a unit and interacting
with a shared market for software and services, together with relationships
among them. These relationships are frequently underpinned by a common
technological platform and operate through the exchange of information,
resources, and artifacts." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_ecosystem
Such a "technical platform" is not a static thing but has to develop, serve
the needs of the users of the platform, and has to be operated. It was just
that topic explained in my presentation on the example of CORBA. Open Source
movement developed such a platform with git, github, gitlab, CI (continuous
integration), git development models etc.
[15:37] graebe : But the Microsoft position depends on its internal
development from the "Halloween Papers" 1998 to Open Sourcing .NET and the
"Dotnet Foundation".
[15:46] Immanuel Thoke : supply chain management often relys on coopetition -
cooperation on infrastructure, competition on market prices
[15:48] Alexander Solodkin : may I comment?
HGG: Alexander emphasised that complexity requires cooperative actions and
mentioned the work of Rapoport - I found (Rapoport 1977) - on that topic.
Cooperative action played also an important role in our lecture for the
students during the semester, but we emphasised on the importance of the
interrelation of cooperative acton and common conceptual world.
[15:57] Immanuel Thoke : referring back to climate change .. a breakthrough
would be to see the ecosystem as a inner property of infrastructure of
economic systems and marketing products not as a companies property but as a
product of ecological process this may sounds trivial but household
calculations works the other way around.
[15:58] Igor Zadesenets : May I comment?
HGG: Igor mentioned that we much deviated from the original topic and asked
what's about the TRIZ laws of development of technical systems themselves.
What is the state of art, what is their benefit etc. I commented that in two
small writings.
* http://mint-leipzig.de/2021-02-05/Laws.pdf
* http://mint-leipzig.de/2021-02-05/Laws-State.pdf
## References
* (Altschuller 1979) Genrich S. Altshuller. Creativity as an exact science.
* (KFK 2020) Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski. Informationssystem-, Arbeits- und
Organisationsgestaltung in Produktion und Verkehr – das Orgware-Konzept, die
Paradoxie der Sicherheit, des Wächters, der Beherrschung großer Datenmengen.
* (Gräbe 2020a) Hans-Gert Gräbe. Human and their technical systems. In
Proceedings of the TRIZ Future Conference 2020, p. 399-410.
* (Gräbe 2020b) Hans-Gert Gräbe. TRIZ and Systemic Transitions. Submitted to
TRIZ Reviews. https://hg-graebe.de/EigeneTexte/sys-20-en.pdf
* (TESE 2018) Alexander Lyubomirskiy, Simon Litvin et al. Trends of
Engineering System Evolution. ISBN 978-3-00-059846-3
* (Mann 2019) Darrell Mann. Systematic innovation in complex environments. In:
Online Proceedings of the TRIZ Summit 2019 Minsk.
* (Rapoport 1977) A. Rapoport, O. Frenkel, J. Perner. Experiments with
cooperative 2×2 games. Theor Decis 8, 67–92.
* (Shchedrovitsky 1981) Georgi P. Shchedrovitsky. Principles and General
Scheme of the Methodological Organization of System-Structural Research and
Development. https://wumm-project.github.io/Texts/Principles-1981-en.pdf
* (Shpakovsky 2010) Nikolay Shpakovsky. Tree of Technology Evolution. Forum,