[11:17] Thoke : constructor theory of Deutsch and Marletto seems an interesting interdisciplanary approach here [11:20] Thoke : everything is rocket science today :D [11:24] Meiss : all depends on procurement of information! There is no information you use statisitcs or AI methods. Or use the good feeling of the manager [11:31] Thoke : What do you think is the role of the manager in a deployment initialization process? [11:41] Kleemann : drawing borders are a form of theory? [11:42] Thoke : Switching from deductive reasoning to inductive? [11:42] Kleemann : Pattern and parameters are theory not in a formal way but in a practical way. [11:44] Kleemann : Feeedback cycle is then a formal theory so a theory of a practical theory? [11:52] Solodkin : APQC and SCOR provide measures and benchmarks for specific processes. [12:14] Thoke : Is this also a problem of whether having a reproductive system or an (open) development process? [12:27] Kleemann : The point is more, this model is linear, it can not fix a iteration of forwrd and backward [12:27] Immanuel Thoke : Phase transition? [12:28] Kleemann : Phase transition and backward loop [12:39] Kleemann : I said it is for this point not important, linear or iteration. [12:42] Kleemann : That would mean an engineer starts with nothing, I think this is mystification. [12:42] Immanuel Thoke : I understood it more as a relative statement. [12:43] Laue : They start with a goal in mind and knowledge about methods and restrictions. [12:43] Kleemann : @Laue: exactly, they don't start with just an ideal outcome. [13:53] Kleemann : I hereby protest against such a cultural discrimination on unphilosophical and wrong base!!!!!!! [13:55] Graebe : Are there "right answers" in complex/chaotic situations? Is Management only understandable as personal profession or also as _function_ of a system (i.e. of its control component)? "Objective vs. Subjective". What does "objective" mean in this context? What does "meaningful" mean? "Explicit vs. tacit knowledge"? Are this the only forms of knowledge? "System only as abstraction of the observer". Doesn't the action of the observer implement systemic structures in reality? This is one of our main claims. [13:57] Schumann : I was wondering about your strong dichotomy of technology and culture. Technology is part of our culture, part of our social everyday practice. [14:01] Thoke : "In a systemic world, however, that 'outside' is nothing else than the totality of all other systems." [14:12] Thoke : I don't think "opposite" is precise here. [14:12] Thoke : Isn't this a type of absolute relativism? Sounds too homogeneous. [14:25] Kleemann : For all atoms is the universe the subsystem and also this chaos has patterns. [14:26] Kleemann : I don't know exactly doesn't mean there is a pure chaos. [14:28] Thoke : Yep, we can catch some signature and approximate the variance. [14:28] Heuten : So, do we wonder about chaos or order? [14:28] Thoke : hehe [14:35] Thoke : you can go on on this discussion foreever I guess :D [14:35] Heuten : ++ [14:35] Eckardt : Isn't Chaos and order - not a subjective value? When I can track every gas molekula - this is order, if I don't want to track - this is chaos. [14:37] Olga Eckardt : It is a question of Tool development. [14:55] Thoke : And we have economical co-dependencies. [14:58] Thoke : stability-flexibility trade-off problems [15:29] Immanuel Thoke : so it's a network flow problem? [16:17] Thoke : Peter Scholze is doing some interesting math on this (interrelations between diophantic equations and automorph fields)